Thursday, 27 June 2019

Avengers: Endgame' will be released again with the film's delicate scenes and some surprise. 

Re-release / 'Avengers: Endgame' will be released again with the film's delicate scenes and some surprise.



 Jun 20, 2019, 06:34 PM IST

 Hollywood Desk: 'Marvel Studios' film 'Avengers Endgame' is about to re-release the makers.  Makers will release the film again with the new footage 'Spider Man: Far from Home' before the release of the film so that 'Avengers: Endgame' movie can be on top position.  World's Avengers: Endgame's Worldwide earnings is $ 2.74 billion, which is a little lower than the highest-grossing film 'Avatar'.  The global earnings of 'Avatar' is $ 2.78 billion.

 'Marvel Studios' President Kevin Fiji said about the re-release of the film, that the new version of the film will be released with many surprize and post credits scenes.  He said that this is not an extended cut but the second version will be released in the theater, with marketing push, some new things will be seen at the end of the film.  If you sit down till the end of the film and see the credit, then there will be deleted scenes, a small tribute and a few surprises.  The next weekend will be released.

 The 'Avengers: Endgame' re-release can be a hit on Box Office with the release of 'Toy Story 4'.  The movie 'Avengers: Endgame', directed by Russo Brothers, was released on April 26.  'Avengers: Endgame' earns less than $ 4 billion (2,77,65,12,00,000) less than the highest-grossing film Avatars, now it is to see how much re-release of the movie contributes to the box office collection.

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After the success of the Chernobyl 'Tv Series', the disaster tourism jumped on the tragedy, the producer of the serial urged the people to

 Jun 14, 2019, 08:59 PM IST

 Hollywood Desk: Due to a television series of five hupas, there will be an increase in the number of tours of a place, and it will also be 40 to 50%.  It is also possible that tourists are going to the place at the risk of their own life and because of 'disaster tourism', they should request the television series makers to join hands and say, 'brother, maintain unbearable sadness.'  But that's actually happening.  In Eastern European country of Ukraine, a television serial is being rushed to a particular place.  Originally based on the HBO channel (and now on the online video streaming service 'Hotstar'), the five-hit series 'Chernobyl'.  Let's talk about it.

 33 years ago, ghosts again
 That's what Soviet Russia 33 years ago.  Today, surviving as an independent country, Ukraine was a part of Soviet Russia at the time.  Chernobyl Nuclear Power in the village of Preplaced in Ukraine
 The plant is situated.  On April 26, 1986, there was a fierce blast during a safety test in the reactor no. 4 of the plant.  The blaster was so frightening that the core of the plant (Core / Core)
 Broke down.  Because of this, Hadawah began to move around with dangerously radioactive radioactive radiation uranium.  As a result, not only its surroundings, but also the continent of Asia and Europe throughout Asia
 Risks have also been raised against people's lives in many countries.  Ukraine, Belarus and Russia have had their worst impact.  Thiroid cancer has more than five thousand people.

 This was the most horrific nuclear disaster in human history, and Chernobyl became the world's most dangerous place at the time.  How many people are actually affected by this tragedy and
 Soviet Russia has never let the actual figure of the number of people who died due to cancer due to dangerous radiation.  An estimated Chernobyl reactor disaster
 9,000 people died due to radiation.  According to Greenpeace environmental organization, this figure was at least twenty times (2 lakh) more than this.  Twenty-four of the Chernobyl tragedy
 After hours, the entire district, having a population of 60 thousand people living around it, had to evacuate the village.  Its 60,000 people dressed in litrels and brought them out of the house to safe places
 Were sent.  It has been preoccupied in the same time even today in the Ghost Town.  Hundreds of thousands of square kilometers around the plant for hundreds of years due to the disruption of plants from the plant.
 The area became waste to live.

Russia Hai Bada, Khafa Khafa

 Today 33 years later, the 'Chernobyl' television series has revived the entire sequence.  After the Chernobyl disaster, how to get rid of people, treat the affected people,

 This series has been a tremendous hit, describing how handling of the whole plant clean and safe.  The HBO channel has so far said that Chernobyl is their most popular

 The record of the serial 'Game of Thrones' has also been broken.  This series has received superlative rating of 10 to 9.6 on the website that gives a rating of movies and series from viewers' review.

 Alam is that Russia has got the right chili with this series.  The ruling Marxist-Leninist Party has said that this series negatively influences Soviet Russia and Soviet Russians.

 And this series should be immediately banned.  Despite the fact that the complete fact and Figures were made to stick to it, the Chernobyl series, called American Propaganda, means its own Soviet

 It has also announced the creation of a Russian version.


 A strange result of the success of the Chernobyl series has been that there has been a huge spike in the number of commuters traveling there.  At the end, Chernobyl and after the breakup of Soviet Russia in 1991

 The pre-installation came under the control of Ukraine.  From April 1986, the area around 2600 square kilometers, including the Chernobyl plant-preplaced city, has been banned due to destructive radiation.

 The area known as 'Chernobyl Exclusion Zone' was restricted for any kind of movement for decades.  But the Ukraine government has opened it in 2011 to visit tourists.

 Even today, there are fearful radiation flows in the air.  However, 60,000 tourists come there at their own risk.  But since the first week of May is HBO's

 Since the television series began airing, these travelers have increased by 40 to 50 percent.  The company has given this tour to Ukraine's 'Solo East' tour.  The company

 By taking a $ 99-per-person fare to tourists, Chernobyl takes it on a day-long trip to Ghamkhark Nuclear Plant No. 4 and 'Ghost Town' in Preepiat.  The head of this company, Victor Coroll

 According to the information provided by the International Media, a year ago, in May 2018, they took 1251 tourists to rotate Chernobyl.  Now this figure has increased to 1860 every month.  The average of the year

 72 thousand tourists visit Chernobyl and Ghost Town.  According to the data provided by the Ukrainian government, only 12,591 tourists returned to Chernobyl in May this year.

Thus travelers are warned with caution in advance to the most dangerous places in the world.  For example, miniskart-bermuda etc. can not be worn.  Instead, both hands and feet will be covered with cloths, long sleeves sweaters and sturdy shoes at the bottom.  There should not be any hands-off items, abandoned vehicles, house walls, plants, and anything else.  Not only that, it is also prohibited to eat and drink within the Chernobyl Exclusive Zone  A small digital docimeter measuring how many radiation enters in the body of the traveler is also given to them.  But photographs circulating on social media say that tourists do not follow them.  They keep showing strange pictures of themselves to show themselves some big thrilling work and to give people a different kind of entertainment.

 Like some people have come to enjoy a picnic at a fun place, and some girls have requested tourists on Twitter to see the pictures made by topless 'Chernobyl' series writer and producer Craig Magazine.  He wrote that seeing the Chernobyl series, travelers are coming to the disaster site, it's a wonderful thing.  But if you go to this place constantly remember that here in the past, there is a terrible tragedy.  Those people who suffered due to it and who gave their lives to save people, maintain their respect. '

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