Thursday, 27 June 2019

Avatar vs Spiderman : far from home

Disney will release a movie every year for the next 9 years, including four sequels of 'Avatar'.

Fans of Disney Banner's Films are waiting for Sequel to 'Star Wars' and 'Avatar'.  Each Disney movie will be released every Christmas until 2027.

 Three parts of 'Stars Wars'
 According to reports, Disney will make three parts of 'Star Wars'.  Four sequels of 'Avatar' will be produced.  For the next nine years, up to 2027, a Disney movie will be released on Christmas.  10 years ago the first sequel to the world's highest grossing 'Avatar' will be released in 2021.  Four sequels of 'Avatar' will be released on a one-year gap.  However, 'The Rise of Skywalker' will not have much information about 'Stars Wars' which will be the film.

 Disney's Movie Release Plan

 YearFilm's Name 2019 Star Wars Episode 9 The Rise of SkyWalker 2020 Cruel and West Side Story 2021 Avatar 22022 Star Wars Movie 2023 Avatar 32024 Star Wars Movie 2025 Avatar 42026 Star Wars Movie 2027 Avatar 5

Realeted article ::::::::

Spider-Man, with a new superhero in 'Spider-Man: Far From Home', will replace Aryanman?

The second trailer of Hollywood movie 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' has been released.  The 2.59-minute trailer has hit the social media.  At the beginning of the trailer, actress Tom Holland, a spider-man actor, says that if you do not see 'Avengers Endgame' yet, you will not see this trailer right now.  Otherwise this trailer can make the fun of your movie worse.  Some things related to 'Avengers Endgame' climax in trailer have been shown.  Not so much has been the entry of new superheroes to this trailer.

 Bohemian trailer
 'Spider-Man: Far from Home' trailer is very cool.  New superhero entry into the trailer  After Aryanman now comes the Happy Hogan (Jon Favrayu) to handle the spider-man.  Spider-Man says in the trailer that the world needs a new Aryanman now.

 The new superhero will save the world
 Trailer has shown that a superhero comes from the other galaxy's other planet.  Its mission is to save the earth.  For this, it requires a spider-man.  So Spider-Man is lost in Aryanmen's memories and he does not listen to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson).  That is why the Spider-Man, who is making a vacation, is reaching Furry.  However, how important the role of superhero in the film will be realized only after the film is released.

 Released on July 2
 'Spider-Man: Far from Home' release date trailer has shown in second July.  However, the film will never be released in India, no official announcement has been made.  Until this is written, the trailer has been seen more than 2 crores and is in top trading on youtube.  Recently released 'Avengers Endgame' has become the first Hollywood movie to earn 300 crores in India.  Now, fans are eager to take 'SpiderMan ..'. The director John Watts has the cast, including Tom Holland, Samuel L Jackson, John Favrayu, Zandaya.

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